“Back problems have plagued me for more than 50 years ever since I was in my 20s. I went through it all: Missed diagnosis, tests, medications, epidural shots, surgery, physical therapy. It wasn’t until I went to Sonix Therapy that I found real, lasting relief! I would recommend anyone who has back pain to try Sonix! ”
“For a year-and-a-half I suffered from recurrent, severe pain in my right hip. X-rays, an MRI and manipulation by physical therapists determined I did not have a joint problem. Rather, the pain was caused by soft tissue— tendons, ligaments, fascia, muscles. Two cortisone shots over a year and courses of physical therapy proved no help. My sports medicine MD advised seeking alternative therapies - I had never heard of Sonix Therapy. Tentatively, I made an appointment. Staff provided good information, and great care with regimens of sound therapy and related support.
After the first treatment, I enjoyed genuine relief. Two treatments later, I was completely PAIN FREE! The price is comparable to a professional massage. Sonix Therapy works!
“Hip, knee, and foot pain, was something I commonly experience during my marathon training days. After a few days of recovery the pain would subside, but immediately return on the next run. It was no different after finishing the Honolulu Marathon; I was in so much pain I could barely lift my legs. Amazingly, after one session at Sonix Therapy Hawaii, my pain levels went from a 9 to a solid 3! It was an absolute gift to see such quick recovery. It gave me faith that my body could be challenged to more marathons in the future. Thank you Sonix Therapy Hawaii! ”
“I’ve had carpal tunnel for about 21 years, ever since giving birth to my first child, and it gradually got worse. I have constant tingling in my hands and arms and couldn’t grasp anything for very long without the tingling intensifying into pain. I attended the open house for Sonix Therapy Hawaii on December 10, 2016 and by the end of a one-hour session, 90% of the tingling disappeared! I have slight tingling in my fingers but can now hold things without pain!”
“For many years I was told I would have to “just live with” small areas of numbness in my hands and knees due to permanent nerve damage and multiple surgeries. During my 2nd Sonix Therapy session I experienced a buzzing sensation in my hands and my knee stiffness diminished significantly—no pain. I used to have a hard time picking up sewing needles and little things, but now I can. I guess that nerve damage wasn’t so permanent after all.
I was due for trigger finger release surgery this month, but will not be needing it as I have no more pain, swelling or locking associated with trigger finger. As an unexpected bonus, my blood donations go faster now. I think we all overlook how important good circulation is — I did. I was never expecting such a difference in so many parts of my body. I came in a curious skeptic and leave a pain/numbness-free believer! ”
“I have had numbness in my feet for over a year. It had gotten so bad that I could not feel the pressure I was putting on the gas pedal or brake while driving. I saw my primary physician who checked me for diabetes; the results came back negative. He sent me to a podiatrist who checked my feet, but still couldn’t figure out the cause of the numbness. I tried Sonix Therapy, and on the 5th session, I could feel the coldness of the floor through my socks. I can now feel my feet, since they are no longer numb.
I was also experiencing arthritis pain in my wrists and shoulders, but now have no pain in my wrists, and very little pain in my shoulders. It was simple as sitting around a machine that creates acoustic waves that help with circulation throughout the body. With better circulation, I have also noticed that my energy levels have also gone up.”
“Sonix Therapy has helped me improve my quality of life and has given me hope for relief of the many symptoms of Parkinson’s. Since coming to Sonix Therapy Hawaii, my tremors decreased from a level 9 to a 3, my balance was restored, and dizziness subsided. The drooling stopped, my blood pressure is now at normal levels, and I can stand without being concerned about fainting. I noticed improvements in decision making, mental clarity, memory retention, restored appetite, ability to swallow, and increased energy. I feel less depressed and have regained my old personality!”
“I was diagnosed with displacement of my kneecap and narrowing of the joint space, so walking was painful. I was told to have surgery - that was my last choice. I decided to try Sonix because I didn’t want to suffer that pain. After my first session I could already feel a difference, and it got better and better. I can now walk without pain, and my circulation has improved 100%. The dark spots on my face and lips are gone, my complexion is smoother, and my dry eyes are gone which is a “bonus” since that was not what I went in for. Thank you Sonix for everything!
“I have chemo- and diabetic neuropathy, and experience pain and burning in my hands, feet and neck. After the first visit, my balance was a LOT better, and I could feel the bottom of my feet for the first time in a couple years. After 7 visits, I ran for the first time in 8 years – it was beyond belief!”
“I had Achilles tendon pain for several months, and went to see an Orthopedic surgeon. All he suggested was to take Aleve. Suffice to say my pain still continued and I was worried because I was scheduled to go to Europe for one month. At this point I was willing to try anything to help alleviate my pain. Every step I took hurt. I saw the commercial on TV for Sonix Therapy Hawaii and thought I would try anything at this point. With each treatment, my pain diminished to the point where I could walk with NO PAIN. Sonix Therapy was nothing short of a miracle for me! I still can’t believe it, but it is true!”
“I tried Sonix Therapy after running the Honolulu Marathon. After a one-hour session, I was surprised that I could immediately stand up from the chair without any stiffness or pain! My pain and stiffness levels were reduced from a level 5 to a level 1.
When I ran in a previous marathon, I had several days of significant muscle and joint stiffness, and a lot of trouble walking down stairs. I was pleasantly surprised that after just one Sonix session, I had minimal stiffness walking around and going down stairs. I highly recommend Sonix Therapy for quick and easy race recovery! ”
“I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, and my hands from wrist to fingertips were constantly cold and tingly to the point of numbness. When driving, I steered with one hand and sat on the other to warm it up. I couldn’t play the ukulele because I couldn’t feel the strings. When I heard about Sonix, I was very skeptical, but hopeful. To my amazement, it worked! During my first session, I felt a flush - like I was blushing all over. When I walked out of the treatment room, my hands were warm and pink. It has been 3 weeks now, and my hands have not been cold once. In addition, the tingling and numbness in both hands have been significantly reduced. After a few more sessions, my hands have remained warm, and the tingling minimal if at all. Thank you Sonix!”
“I coach softball and experience occasional pain in my shoulder every season. After the first visit at Sonix Therapy Hawaii, my shoulder felt better, but I was still experiencing discomfort in other parts of my body as when I went in. The next morning after treatment I literally jumped out of the bed! I have not been able to jump out of my bed for over 5 years; I typically roll off my bed and slowly straighten up, and stretch and move my limbs to reduce tightness and pain. I am getting ready for my third visit and I have no shoulder pain, no knee pain, and the pain in my back has decreased from a level 6 to a level 2 pain. There is a rejuvenating feel that I cannot clearly explain. It is not a traditional treatment; you feel better without taking medicine, getting massaged, or without chiropractic adjustment. This treatment is not for “old people”; this is for all people looking to improve quality of life. I recommend this non-invasive therapy to everyone as an alternative treatment for pain and tightness. Thanks Sonix Therapy Hawaii!
“I am writing this personal testimony about my God-sent treatment at Sonix Therapy Hawaii. My peripheral neuropathy pain started from an injury to my lower back which then, spread to different parts of my body. At times, I would experience pain at levels of 9 and 10, in my legs and feet. I could not wait to experience my first treatment and see what the results would be. After my first one-hour treatment I really felt great; the pain was still there but the levels dropped from a 5 to a 2. After 6 treatments, my pain levels have dropped dramatically to less than a 1, and I am starting to feel normal again. Praise God! My sister and I felt that this was truly a blessing and gave us hope for a better life without pain. The staff is friendly and so caring, you feel like we are all part of one big family helping each other. Mahalo Sonix Therapy Hawaii!”
“I decided to try Sonix Therapy Hawaii because my son and daughter came home feeling great and excited about what they just experienced. I have tried chiropractic treatment and acupuncture, which gave me some relief from my pain but it did not last for long. I could not believe you just sit in a room listening to music and you’re healed. After my first one-hour treatment I really felt better! The Rheumatoid Arthritis pain was still there but the levels dropped from a 7 to a 2. After 5 treatments, I am experiencing a lot less pain in all parts of my body, from my neck to my toes. I have not felt this good in a while, thank you Sonix Therapy Hawaii.”
“I have arthritis, angina and diabetes. The pain in my hands, knees and the tightness in my chest have decreased significantly! I feel more energized and do not feel sluggish or tire as easily. It’s so great to feel overall wellness!
I recently went to Japan and felt great! I walked 10 to 16 thousand steps a day without getting tired!
Thanks Sonix Therapy Hawaii!
“Prior to my visit at Sonix Therapy Hawaii, I felt constant pain in my knees, arm, shoulder, and lower back on a daily basis. After my first treatment, my body felt much relief! It was a remarkable experience to not be in so much pain as I had felt before. My entire body felt so different! My face and areas around my eyes felt softer, lighter and tighter. I am able to breathe better. My feet, knees, and shoulders feel lighter, and I no longer have pain in my lower back. Sonix Therapy Hawaii’s acoustic wave therapy helps to improve circulation, makes me look and feel younger, and feel great!
“I was introduced to Sonix Therapy Hawaii through my brother who had great success with this treatment. I was skeptical, and did not expect much results; after all how would acoustic waves remove my Rheumatoid Arthritis pain? After my first one-hour treatment I felt a lot better! My pain levels decreased from an 8 to a 4. After 6 treatments, my pain levels have come down, and I am experiencing less pain in all parts of my body.
I feel that this was truly a blessing and it’s given me hope for a better life without pain. The staff is so friendly and caring, they really want to see you feel better.”
“I decided to try Sonix Therapy Hawaii because I saw a big improvement in my husband’s peripheral neuropathy condition. I came out of my first session feeling relaxed, and my neck and back pain seemed to have disappeared. I was so happy! I decided to try more sessions to see what else it can help me with. After the next session, I came out feeling really good with a lot of energy. One thing I will share is that when you come out of the treatment room you feel calm, relaxed, and your body has an overall feeling of well-being. The staff there are so friendly, and the owner is a fellow Christian with a loving heart. God Bless.”
“One morning in May 2016, I woke up and was unable to stand or walk without pain. After being diagnosed with plantar fasciitis by an orthopedic doctor, I was given a cortisone shot. It did not relieve the pain. A few months later I went to another doctor who gave me a prednisone shot. It provided me pain relief for about a month. As a last resort, I went to a specialty arch support shoe store and purchased both the soft and hard arch supports as recommended. This too did not take away my pain.
LUCKILY, my husband and I went to visit our 96-year-old uncle who told us about Sonix Therapy Hawaii. After two (2) treatments, the pain disappeared like a miracle. All my friends who saw me suffering, limping and walking slowly with pain were amazed to see that I could now walk fast, and without pain again.
Thank you Sonix Therapy Hawaii, I am forever grateful to you!”
“I had a total knee replacement in January of 2016, and had a very difficult recovery. As a result, I had a manipulation performed under anesthesia several months later. Swelling and nerve issues continued to be major problems. As the months went by, the knee became more and more functional, however, I still had a large amount of residual swelling hampering my progress. In December I started treatments at Sonix Therapy Hawaii, and after the 4th treatment, the swelling had completely gone away. I was finally able to regain the full extension range of motion of my knee. Thanks Sonix Therapy Hawaii!”
“After an industrial accident 35 years ago, 2 major surgeries, and almost losing the ability to use my left leg, I have lived in constant pain. About five years ago, I started having shooting pain from my hip to my knee and tried all kinds of alternative measures to reduce the pain. Then I heard about Sonix Therapy, and after three sessions, the shooting pain was gone. It has also helped my dad who is 96 years old. Thank You Sonix Therapy! I highly recommend it for everyone.”
“I went to Sonix Therapy for my arthritis in all the fingers of both hands. The pain level was a 9 on my right hand and about a 5 on my left. I’ve had this pain for the past 6 years and my Rheumatologist told me that I’d just have to live with the pain. Well, after just 2 1/2 hours of treatment over a one-week period, the pain level is now at “0” in my left hand and “2” on my right. I can bend all my fingers and the “gull-wing” appearance of my fingers is starting to leave and my fingers are going straight. I went into this treatment with an open mind but no hope in my heart. Now I’m a believer!!!”
“I have had chronic back, neck and knee pain for a while and thought I would just have to live with it. After several sessions, my neck pain is gone, my back pain is almost gone, and my knees don’t hurt as much—I would say a 60% decrease in pain when going down stairs. I also noticed my joint pain has reduced and my body doesn’t feel so stiff when I get up in the morning. It’s amazing what Sonix Therapy can do for pain and stiffness.
Thank you for bringing this therapy treatment to Hawaii.”
“I came in on a co-workers recommendation and am glad that I did! Upon my initial treatment, I came in with several different problems. I’m diabetic and suffer from sciatica and have arthritis in both hips making it hard to stand at work for 8 hours. Since then, my lower back and hips pain level went from a 5 to a 1. Still hurts a little but MUCH improved. As far as diabetes, my marks on my feet (lack of circulation) are lighter and it used to feel like I’d be walking about with cement blocks on my feet. They felt very heavy. My feet feels a lot lighter. It’s way easier to walk. Thank you Sonix Therapy Hawaii! ”
Note: Actual results may vary
“I punctured the palm of my hand four days ago with a car key. Yesterday the wound was slightly swollen, red 1 cm. surrounding site, open, moist and painful. Today there is very little pain, the redness has almost all disappeared, and the wound is dry. No antibiotics were applied. I have to say, I’ve become a believer overnight. ”